About Us
Pretium Corporate Advisory (“Pretium Advisory”) is an Istanbul-based independent corporate advisory firm. Founded by Mehmet Sami, who has 35 years of investment banking and capital markets experience, Pretium Advisory aims to serve its clients’ best interests through contributing its deep understanding of…
- The Turkish corporate world, where Pretium Advisory has an unprecedented network of relationships and associations
- Türkiye’s financial markets, with a focus on capital markets
- International Investors – both trade buyers, financial investors (PE& VC Funds) targeting Türkiye.
Vision & Strategy
To seek the best corporate finance solutions for Turkish corporates while bridging investor requirements.
Core Strenghts
Free of restrictions and conflicts, serving the best interest of its clients
Honesty and consistency, always delivering results
Serving a diversified client base since the late 1980s
Capacity to match and optimise needs and funding